Sunday, August 3, 2008

Back to the beginning...

Well, we unfortunately have some bad news to share. After the judge issued another 2 week delay on Tuesday, Dave and I decided that the door was closing on this adoption. There are many, many details that we are unable to share at this moment that helped us come to this decision. What we can tell you right now is that one of the obstacles that we had to overcome was that the child had an older sister who had just turned 18 and did not want us to go through with the adoption. She petitioned the court to become guardian herself. Although the court informed us that they would probably appoint us as guardians, it was not a definite and the sister would have no doubt appealed the ruling and it would have been at least another month if not longer. We just could not see playing "tug of war" with her over this child. It would have destroyed all of us. All we can do at this point is to pray for the precious child we had grown to love.

Wednesday, Dave and I travelled back to Kiev to await another appointment. One bright note was that this train ride was MUCH better than the first. Apparently when you travel first class on the trains, you get air-conditioning! After racing to get everything packed, we made it to the train station about 10 minutes before the train left to find that the ONLY tickets available were 3 1st class tickets. Otherwise, we would have had to either wait another day or travel to another city. We quickly bought the tickets and ran to the train (with all our heavy luggage in tow!) I had visions of having to jump on the train as it was leaving! Luckliy we got on the train with about a minute to spare. Dave is constantly saying that this is the "last time this luggage is going anywhere!"

We are now in Kiev and have our appointment to select another child tomorrow. We continue to pray for God's will for this adoption. We thank you for all your prayers and for your patience in our updating the blog. As you can imagine, things have not been easy the last few days. We love you all and pray to see you again soon.

Candace and Dave


Kevin and Tammy said...

We can understand this situation. I am so glad that you chose to have another appointment. God still has a plan. And someday we will be able to look back and say "Oh that is why it went this way." Keep the faith and we look forward to hearing from you tomorrow.

ArtworkByRuth said...

Praying for God to show you wisdom and grant you peace for your next steps!

The Flying Eagle said...

You will be in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow. So sorry that it been rough, I hope the rest of our journey goes smoothly. Monica

Zack, Jenn and William said...

So sorry to read about what happened, but praying for success at your second appointment.

Unknown said...

I will commit to pray God's best for this child, as well as for you as you continue on your journey to the one meant for your family (and you for them).

Unknown said...

Hi guys! Sorry to hear that things did not go smoothly for you on your first choice, but you must believe that things happen for a reason. That will help you get through the hurt and disappointment. I truly believe that God has a different child in mind for you, or you would have not encountered the obstacles that you did.

Just know that we continue to keep you in our thoughts and will look forward to hearing your updates when you get the chance to pass them along.

We love you.

Teri & Dave

Staci and Damon said...

I was so sorry to read about what happened. I pray that you receive your child at your next SDA appointment. I'll check for an update soon!

kcrowder said...

Hang in there! These obstacles will fade in memory as you savor the the lifetime of moments spent with the child God has prepared for you. Perhaps, we'll never know why your journey took this route unless it was to reach half a world away and be able to love and pray for someone you would not have met otherwise. We know joy awaits you as you follow God's leading and you will meet your chosen child in His timing. Our prayers are with you always.
Love, Mom and Dad Crowder

Mandy and Nathan said...

Hey guys, after reading all of the other comments friends & family wrote I can't find any words more appropriate than what has already been written. I just wanted you to know that we're thinking about you and hoping for a successful and safe trip. Love you!

Mandy & Nathan

Shannon said...

Our prayers are with you that your second appt went very well. Every adoption journey has its own struggles- looking back 14 months ago to when we were in the Ukraine I would have never thought we would be as happy as we are now! Hoping to read good news soon. The Zickel family (adopted Eli from Preluky Ukraine 6/07)